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/JNTECH tritt auf der Philippine International Solar Photovoltaic Energy Storage Future Energy Exhibition auf
JNTECH tritt auf der Philippine International Solar Photovoltaic Energy Storage Future Energy Exhibition auf
May 17, 2023

The 2023 Philippine International Future Energy Exhibition will be held in Manila on May 15-16. The exhibition is the most prestigious solar energy industry exhibition in the Philippines. When the exhibition starts, the secretary general of the government's energy department, power suppliers, solar energy project leaders and developers, and professionals from the government, regulatory agencies, and electric utilities will all attend the exhibition on site. It is a great honor for JNTECH to be invited to participate in this event.

As a pure energy importer, the Philippines attaches great importance to energy self-sufficiency. The Philippine government promulgated the 2008 Renewable Energy Law, which clearly announced the strategic goals of renewable energy: to develop local renewable energy, reduce dependence on fossil energy, and achieve energy self-sufficiency. However, in the case of limited national finances, many island rural areas in the Philippines still have the last mile power supply problem. The photovoltaic energy storage inverter unveiled by JNTECH in this exhibition will provide a realistic and efficient solution for this. At the same time, products such as portable power supplies and household energy storage all-in-one will also fully demonstrate the company's technology in the field of photovoltaic energy storage. Strength and innovation capabilities, accelerate the transformation and development of sustainable energy in the Philippines, and promote a new revolution in global clean energy development.

Neben Energiespeicherprodukten hat JNTECH auch eine Reihe von Photovoltaik-Wasserpumpen-Wechselrichtern auf den Markt gebracht. Als Entwickler von Industriestandards sind Photovoltaik-Wasserpumpen-Wechselrichter zu repräsentativen Produkten der Marke JNTECH geworden. Solche Produkte lösen die Probleme des Wasserverbrauchs und der landwirtschaftlichen Bewässerung für philippinische Landsleute und tragen wesentlich zur Verbesserung des Lebensstandards der philippinischen Landsleute bei.

Die nachhaltige Entwicklung sauberer Energie ist der allgemeine Trend. JNTECH wird unbeirrt zum Praktiker und Förderer der Entwicklung sauberer Energie werden, seine Forschungs- und Entwicklungskapazitäten im Bereich Energietechnologie kontinuierlich verbessern, innovativere Produkte freischalten und unermüdliche Anstrengungen unternehmen, um den Traum einer kohlenstofffreien Welt zu verwirklichen.

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